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It all started with a simple post on Nextdoor

A few years back, life threw some serious curveballs my way, shaking up our family's everyday rhythm. Life was hectic and finding order felt almost impossible. Desperate for some semblance of routine, I reached out to my local community on Nextdoor for any app suggestions that could help streamline our chaos.

Guess what? There were apps for everything: managing groceries, ride-sharing, even closet organization. But when it came to comprehensive family management? Crickets. Sure, I found specific apps here and there, but juggling 10+ apps to manage my household was a hard no.

It struck me: Why hasn't tech stepped up for parents like us?

That's when I decided to take a break from my 9-5 grind. Partnering with Reeves Xavier, a tech-savvy friend, we envisioned a singular space for all things parenting. From countless surveys and endless late-night research, we learned two things:  

  • Parenting is beautifully complex, and there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer
  • As parents, we always have our kids' best interests at heart and want the best for them.

That's the heart behind S’moresUp.

We created an all-in-one space for everything: chore tracking, rewards, scheduling, and even connecting with other parents. Our mission? To simplify modern parenting while empowering kids with essential life skills.I'm thrilled to say, not only has this been a game-changer for my family, but thousands have also joined our S’moresUp community.

I'm thrilled to say, not only has this been a game-changer for my family, but thousands have also joined our S’moresUp community.

Want to be part of the movement that puts family first in this tech-savvy era? Dive in with us. Find S’moresUp on the Apple AppStore, Google Play, and Amazon AppStore.

Here's to navigating the joys of parenting, together.

With love,

Priya Rajendran, Your Fellow Mom & S’moresUp Creator.

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Together, we've managed over
30M Chores
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Happy Families

The values that drive us!

At S'moresUp, we're more than just an app – we're your trusted partner in parenting. Birthed from genuine insights and a dedication to trust, we champion family privacy, an ad-free environment, and a stance against data compromise. It's our commitment to redefine parenting alongside you.

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Built by Parents, for Parents

Crafted with Care and Experience. Every feature in our app comes from firsthand parental insight. We're not just developers; we're parents who know the challenges and joys of raising kids.

Obsession with Family Privacy

Your Privacy, Our Priority.
We understand the sanctity of family moments. That's why we've made it our mission to protect your family's privacy at all costs.

We Eat Our Own Dog Food

Tried, Tested, and Trusted.
We believe in our product so much that we use it within our own families. If it's good enough for our kids, it's good enough for yours.

Ad-Free Experience

Keeping It Clean and Relevant
We want your experience to be about your family, not distractions. That's why we promise to never serve ads.

No Third-Party Data Sales

Keeping Your Trust Intact
Your data belongs to you and only you. We'll never compromise your trust by selling your information to third-party vendors.

Your Partner in Parenting

Navigating Parenthood Together
We're not just an app; we're a partner. Through every parenting challenge, we aim to be right beside you, offering support and tools to make your journey smoother.